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In Touch & In Tune

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In Touch and In Tune is a holistic service for pregnant or soon to be pregnant mothers and their significant others. In order for a woman to be ready for birth, she must recognize her need for being open and being healed from past trauma, prior to her baby’s birth. Maternal wisdom can help the mother recognize such needs so as to not stall the natural birth process. This will be important so the newborn can enter this world in the most relaxed and peaceful atmosphere possible.  
With the societal fears and prevalent birth myths, can this be possible? Society says that birth is a painful and scary endeavor. However, there are women birthing babies who say they experience birth in a painless, and sometimes ecstatic, and non-traumatic way. Which would you prefer?




A doula is someone trained in giving continuous emotional and physical support throughout labor. Midwives, physicians, and nurses are hard-pressed to give the kind of attention typically required to support women continuously during labor. Studies have found that women with labor support have shorter labors and much less need for pain medication, intravenous oxytocin augmentation, forceps, vacuum extraction, and cesarean section than women without this care. As a hired doula, I will provide two classes prior to labor, support during labor, including a couple of hours after birth, at the hospital if permitted, and a follow up appointment a few days following birth.

Body Talk is about relationships and communication between all the body parts that are necessary for empowering healthy living. It is a system of preventative health maintenance rather than a system of first aid    for acute conditions. Body Talk is being used internationally in schools, work environments, home environments and among indigenous people throughout the world. It helps people function at their highest potential. 


HypnoBirthing® the Mongan Method is a philosophy and technique. It is based upon the thousands of years of birthing experience and the work of Dr. Grantly Dick-Read, and English obstetrician who was one of the first to forward the concept of natural birthing. The method teaches that in the absence of fear and tension, or special medical circumstances, severe pain does not have to be a part of labor and birth.



Provided by In Touch & In Tune

In Touch and In Tune is a holistic service for pregnancies

In Touch and In Tune is a holistic service for pregnant or soon to be pregnant mothers and their significant others

Expiration 07/31/2024


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