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High Desert Chiropractic

100% Local

9179 G Avenue
Hesperia , CA 92345 (view map)
Phone: 760-244-0035 Website: Social Media


High Desert Chiropractic was founded in 1979 by Robin M. Salser, D.C.   In joining this office, Dr. Wiegel is dedicated to providing the high quality of care that our patients have come to expect.

How Chiropractic  Works:In an effort to reduce a subluxation, a quick thrust, or  manipulation, is applied to the area of restricted motion and/or malposition. The  treatment is designed to restore normal motion and function of the body, as  well as to reduce pain, decrease nerve irritation, and relieve muscle spasms.  In addition to manipulation, treatment may also include physiotherapy,  nutritional counseling, exercise and stretching, and patient education.

Common Conditions  Treated

  • Neck and back pain and stiffness
  • Extremity pain, weakness, numbness or tingling
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Nerve impingement syndrome
  • Sciatic pain
  • Muscle spasms
  • Chronic aches and pains

Benefits of  Chiropractic Manipulative Therapy
•Relief of spinal and/or extremity pain
•Relief of headache pain
•Relief of muscle spasm
•Decreased tissue inflammation
•Increased range of motion and mobility
•Increased balance and coordination
•Reduces risk of future injury


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