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Fairborn City Schools
100% LocalBoard of Education office - 306 E. Whittier Ave.
Fairborn , Ohio 45324 (view map)
The Fairborn City School district is located in Fairborn, Ohio. The Fairborn City School District is rated "Effective" on the Ohio Department of Education report card. Fairborn City Schools also serves the children from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Fairborn Primary School serves grades Pre-K-3; Fairborn Intermediate School serves grades 4-5; Baker Middle School serves grades 6, 7, and 8. Fairborn High School serves grades 9-12. Fairborn offers excellent special education, gifted, and college prep classes. Fairborn works closely with Wright State University and Wright-Patterson Air Force Base to enhance the educational opportunities for our students and staff. We are approximately 15 miles from the city of Dayton and approximately 60 miles from Columbus, Ohio. Fairborn has an outstanding teaching staff which includes 12 National Board Certified teachers. Fairborn High School is rated "Effective" on the Ohio Department of Education report card; Baker Middle School is rated "Effective;" Fairborn Intermediate School is rated "Continuous Improvement;" and Fairborn Primary School is rated "Excellent." We offer an excellent educational environment supported by an outstanding staff and administration! Fairborn offers small hometown values with caring teachers and parents.