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Off The Vine

100% Local

Phone: 817-421-1091


Off The Vine has  been a part of Grapevine's Main Street & Historic District for close to 15 years. 

Over the years we have been able to expand our access & selection to great wines and innovative wine accessories. Our focus is to offer highly rated, affordable wines to customers,  introduce new and emerging winemakers and to assist our clients in finding that special bottle or gift! 


Whether you are looking for some Bubbly for a special celebration, beers & wines for catered events, an easy drinking bottle for dinner this evening or, you are responsible for the office's gift baskets this year, we are here to help!

Holly -  Chief Wine Lover

Holly Donnelly

Owner of the store and has been working with Off The Vine and our customers at one level or another for over a decade. Holly came to the OTV family from one of those big corporate chain types where wines were selected in an office in Far Far Away. Lots of wines, but not much tasting before they hit the shelves. Here, Holly ensures that we offer the wines that our customers enjoy, by getting to know their tastes and then guiding each to the wine they are looking for.

Dwight - Wine Lover & Gift Guide

Dwight is an integral member of the wine selection team and he is quite adept at working suppliers' inventory lists, reviews and winery reports, keeping all of us up to date with the latest sources. 


One of Dwight's passions is Pinot Noir, if you have a favorite - Sea Smoke anyone? - let him know and he'll let you know as soon as the new vintages arrive in Texas!


Let Dwight know what you are looking for, he'll bring all the resources of Off The Vine and our suppliers to the search.

Cilla  - Wine Lover & Gift Guide


Brings another important palette to our wine selector team, can tell you all about the newest arrivals, we've tasted everything in the store and have the handwritten notes attached to the bottles to show it!  The lilt in Cilla's voice is not just the fun she has taking care of customers, there's a little Irish in her accent so be careful, you could end up visiting the store more often than you think.

Becky - "The Source"

Becky has been at the heart of Off The Vine from its inception. As a wine collector for many years, Becky is a frequent visitor to many of the well known, and many more of the less well traveled wine regions! Becky is an amazing resource as a result of her longstanding relationships with many of the top rated wineries & suppliers. Becky assists with Tastings & Special Events, and can be called on for Special Projects - especially if they involve touring wine country!


Jeanette Murphy,

Our merchandising reviewer and rack spotter! Jeanette brings a critical eye to the store and helps us identify blind spots and areas that can use a little improvement, sometimes its dusting, other times it may be sagging bows, but with fresh eyes and great communication with her daughter Holly, Jeanette's visits are always fun at the store!

Somewhere around here we'll add a box for Jack, husband to Jeanette and father of Holly! But most times he's behind the camera and arranging the shots throughout the site!



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