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Grant, Jeffrey S. MD Dr. Jeffrey S. Grant, MD

100% Local

608 East Comanche Street
Farmington , New Mexico 87401-6815 (view map)
Phone: (505) 325-0072


Dr. Jeffrey S. Grant practices physical medicine & rehabilitation in Farmington, New Mexico.

He attended The University At Buffalo State University Of New York School Of Medicine, in Buffalo, NY

is Affiliated with San Juan Regional Medical Center
Appointment Info

Jeffrey S Grant MD
608 East Comanche Street
Farmington, NM 87401
(505) 325-0072

Dr. Grant is accepting new patients and works with the following insurance plans:

    * Aetna - Choice PPO
    * Blue Cross and Blue Shield - BlueCard PPO
    * Cigna - Open Access
    * Cigna PPO
    * Medicare
    * United HealthCare
    * United HealthCare - Choice Plus POS
    * United HealthCare - Options PPO
    * Workman's Compensation WC
If your insurance plan is not listed, please inquire.  Other plans may be accepted.

What is Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation?

Physical medicine and rehabilitation, also referred to as rehabilitation medicine, is the medical specialty concerned with diagnosing, evaluating, and treating patients with physical disabilities. A physical medicine physician, also called a physiatrist treats diseases and disorders including neck and back pain, and sports injuries or disorders resulting from trauma, such as spinal cord injury or head injury. The physiatrist works with the patient using X-rays, a physical exam, laboratory study, pain management and/or physical therapy, to achieve rehabilitation. The primary goal of the physiatrist is to achieve maximal restoration of physical, psychological, social and vocational function through comprehensive rehabilitation.


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