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Downeast Thunder
100% Local56 Shop Hill Road
Milbridge , Maine 04658 (view map)
We have been developing our family farm (originally intended to produce food for our family) to one day become a commercial operation where we can generate at least a portion of our income and perhaps all of our income with time. We call it Downeast Thunder Farm and we recognize the need to make our farm a destination and to capitalize on “agritourism.” Our location is quite rural and I believe it will take a few attractions aimed at enticing customers to visit our farm.
I’ve proposed building an 18″ gauge railroad system around our farm for work use and also for passenger excursions around our farm during different seasons. Having been a railroad fan for most of my life with a passion for the Live Steam hobby – this idea makes sense. It would be a great attraction for the farm and help us promote “agritourism” in our area.
The plan for the railroad is to construct a narrow gauge railway (18″ between rails) initially between our wood lot and our outdoor wood boiler & firewood processing/storage area. The distance to accomplish this will require about 350′ of track. The main line of the railway will be the passenger line and will be built to the same gauge extending all around the farm.
We also offer free downloads of our Farm Project Plans and drawings! Find plans for a chicken coop or a clamp-on brush tine attachment for a tractor loader bucket, or a railroad depot, train storage shed, etc. - all free - never a fee.
For updates and to download our farm project plans, please visit our website.