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Divine Mercy Catholic Books and Gifts
100% Local262 S. I 35 E.
Denton , TX 76205 (view map)
Mon-Fri 10 am – 6 pm
Sat 10am – 5pm
Please visit our website for a more complete overview of the merchandise we carry at Divine Mercy.
Our Products
Artwork - We carry a large selection of framed and unframed religious artwork, including many reproductions of classical works. We also carry one-of-a-kind oil-paintings lovingly painted by a Catholic family in Peru.
Audio / Video - We sell Catholic contemporary and classical music CDs (including recordings by Marie Bellet, Eric Genius, and John Michael Talbot) as well as rosaries on tape (both spoken and sung versions). We also carry some educational and apologetic works on tape.
Bibles - Our selection of Bibles includes the following versions: Douay Rheims, NAB (New American Bible), Ignatius Bible, RSV (Revised Standard Version), and the Jerusalem Bible. We also carry Bible covers and Bible tabs.
Books - We have sections devoted to specific subjects, including the Eucharist, Adoration, Lives of the Saints, Works of the Saints and of Church Doctors and Fathers, Family Life and Marriage (including NFP materials), Children and Teens, Mother Theresa, Apologetics, and Prayer Life. We have a section devoted to reference works, including Documents of the Church, Catholic dictionaries, Concordances, and Papal Encyclicals. We also carry works by popular and classic authors, including G.K. Chesterton, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Hillaire Belloc, Scott Hahn, Frank Sheed, Fulton Sheen, Jason Evert, Father Benedict Groesche, and Father Mitch Pacwa. We even carry some works of Catholic fiction!
Children - We carry children's books, children's videos (including animated films), lives of the saints for children, coloring books, children's fiction, rosaries, and stuffed toys.
Devotionals - We carry a wide selection of items for devotional use:
- Rosaries
- Candles
- Holy cards and prayer cards
- Missals
- Holy water fonts and bottles
- Auto rosaries and medals
- Saints medals
- Crosses and Crucifixes (standing and wall-mounted)
- Tertiary relics
- Scapulars
Education - We carry homeschooling materials as well as religious ed / CCD products.
Gifts - We carry many products suitable for gift-giving, including hand-made soaps, music boxes, religious t-shirts, plaques, jewelry cases and boxes, vases, and other decorative items.We also carry a number of items from the Jerusalem Stone line, including wedding gifts and the Comfort Cross.
Jewelry - We sell a selection of religious jewelry, including many crosses and crucifixes, bracelets, and pins.
Other - We sell a variety of special-interest items. Below is our #1 Best Seller, the St. Joseph Home Sellers Kit! We have a section dedicated to Spanish language resources, including First Communion, Quinceanera, and wedding gifts. We also have a section for Apostolate for Family Consecration resources.
Special Occasions - We have several sections devoted to various special occasions and sacraments, including Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, and weddings. We also carry seasonal products, such as nativities, advent wreaths and advent calendars.
Statues - We carry an extensive selection of statues of Our Lord, Our Lady, St. Joseph, and the saints. Some of our lines include Santini, Luciano, Florentine, and Roman, Inc. We sell the Florentine and Roman, Inc. lines of small, gift-packaged patron saints statues. We carry a variety of out-door statues.