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Pet Guardian

100% Local

Cape Girardeau
Cape Girardeau , Missouri 63701 (view map)


Kathy J. Kinder of Cape
Girardeau, MO definitely loves animals!  Growing up with and taking care of lots
of cats and dogs inevitably led to her devotion to working with animals and
helping those in need!  After graduating from Southeast MO State University in
1998, she began The Pet Guardian, a local pet and house sitting service,
providing a
Better Alternative to
Boarding Pets.
  Instead of pet owners
having to take their pets to a kennel, they can keep them at home--but not
alone!   Foster care is also provided for homeless dogs and cats!  
 As a member of the
ASPCA-American Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, she has learned about how the many animals in
the United States alone who are homeless or neglected and abused by their
owners!  Wanting to do more for these precious animals, she created, a site about animals and
for animals! offers a wonderful
assortment of décor items, including over 200 different figurine animals. 
Select one of our dog breed gifts or any of our other animal themed items and
you will help animals.   
With, you can have fun shopping
and  help animals, too!  For every purchase you make, a Minimum of 10% will be
donated to the ASPCA!  Millions of dogs, cats, horses, farm animals and many
other animals need our voice!


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