We are always looking for volunteers! If you would like to help out by being a foster home, animal transporter, making a donation, giving attention to the animals, or anything else, please contact us. We would love to hear from you! Who We Are
Canine Pet Rescue Corp (CPR) is dedicated to reconditioning wayward dogs, inparticular German Shepherd Dogs, with the end goal of placing them in a stable environment, which harbors positive behaviors from the dog. Many times, a dog will remain in our program for months, until the right environment is found. CPR believes that quality over rides quantity. We advocate responsible pet ownership and believe that education is key to providing wayward canines a strong and successful life. We believe that canines can be therapists, teachers, motivators, and friends and the love of the DOG carries us to the goal of rescuing, rehabilitating, and training these misplaced canines. We are a small group, made up of various rescue individuals that assume the responsibility of caring for, providing medical care, rehabilitating, and training misplaced or owner surrendered canines. Many of the dogs within the organization have been mishandled or placed in the wrong environment and are in desperate need of mental stimulation, training, and a proper structure in their lives. Adopting a friend
Each Dog that enters our program receives the following basic care, plus any additional care needed. A thorough evaluation of temperament, an initial overview, and an extended evaluation are common before the dog can be posted for adoption. Many times a rehabilitation process takes place ranging from a minimum of two weeks or until the proper environment is located. Like children, dogs need foundational building blocks to give them success and a sense of well being. Our rehabilitation process instills this within each dog, but occurs in different ways depending on the specific needs of the dog and the dog's background. Each dog receives a health overview. This typically includes a rabies vaccine, dhpp shot, bordatella, heartworm check, heartworm preventative (monthly), spayed or neutered, flea and tick prevention, intestinal parasite check and professional grooming on a routine basis. Each dog is trained in a number of obedience commands and behaviors. but limited according to how long we have the dog. Each dog is crate trained, and housebreaking is started, as we require the dogs to be members of the family household and positive, productive members of society. We teach a mutual respect between canine and human, which tends to be the source of problems many dog owners face with pet ownership. During training and rehabilitation, each dog is given adequate shelter, food, water, and mental stimulation. Typically, this organization has anywhere from 4-20 dogs in rehabilitation status at any given time, and there are several permanent residents that help them with process of feeling comfortable. Come Visit Us!
After your application for Adoption is approved, a time will then be set for you to meet your potential new best friend. As all our dogs are in foster care, it is not possible to drop in to see the dogs.