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The Mutt Hutt

100% Local

231 Executive Drive, Suite 1
Newark , Delaware 19702 (view map)
Phone: 302-454-1502 FAX: 302-454-1507 Website: Hours:

Mon. - Fri. 6am – 5pm
Saturday 7am – 5pm
Sunday and Major Holidays closed for daycare*

*Boarding staff on premises to provide playtime for overnight guests

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At The Mutt Hutt, your beloved pet will be in doggie paradise. Our goal is to provide a safe, secure and stimulating environment for your dogs so that they come home a relaxed, calm and happy pet that your family can enjoy.

Your dog will romp and play with other dogs all day and learn how to behave like a dog and become part of a pack. Our loving staff will provide lots of emotional and mental stimulation throughout the day and your dog will become part of the family when they're at The Mutt Hutt.

We provide loving owners with peace of mind that their pet is receiving the utmost personal care and attention while they are participating in activities in our facility. We welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver you the best service in the industry. The Mutt Hutt is family owned and operated, not a franchise.


What your dog will enjoy in paradise:

• 9,200 square foot facility including "the Beach Club" for big dogs, "the Small Dogs Surf Shack" for the smaller dogs and "the Laidback Lounge" for the dogs who like to take it easy.

• Play equipment, grassy platforms and comfortable hammocks for your dog to have fun and relax with their friends.

• Clean, germ free odorless environment complete with a bone-shaped pool in The Lagoon!

• Large sleeping quarters with cozy lambskin bedding and soft blankets. Multiple dogs from the same family will share a roomy 4' x 6' run and will each have their own Mutt Hutt cot.

• Remote access web cams so dog parents can watch their pets play from work, home or while on vacation!

• Dogs always have access to fresh drinking water and we provide yummy treats throughout the day.

• A fun-filled day of mental and emotional stimulation along with lots of hugs, kisses and belly rubs.

• Staff on-hand 365 days a year to provide playtime for overnight guests


 The Mutt Hutt now provides in-home cat care and services, as well as, poop scoop service for your lawn!
Visit the website for more details!

reader choice10

Located in the Pencader Corporate Center, on Rt 896, near the intersection with Rt 40. Take your first Left after entering the corporate center and you will find the Mutt Hutt near the end of the drive on your left. The Mutt Hutt has plenty of parking available.


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